Oh, but of course. So far, I've only received the generic response: "Thank you for your feedback regarding your restaurant experience at McDonald's. We value your comments and will be responding to you soon. Thanks again for contacting us." How do they know they value my comments if they haven't even read them yet?
Why not?I'm mostly curious about how the specific ads get chosen for this space--content on this page, in the blog posts, in comments? If I start writing about motorcycles and race cars, will ads for motorcycle accessories and NASCAR stuff start showing up? (I picked those to mention here because there is no chance of me blogging about them ever, ever, ever.)
I moderate a fan group on myspace (where the ads are compulsory) for comic Jake Johannsen, and I'm always seeing ads there to "get Jake Johannsen ringtones" and invitations to "buy Jake Johannsen on eBay."If either of those is truly an option, please let me know right away!
Oh I hope you submitted this!
Oh, but of course. So far, I've only received the generic response: "Thank you for your feedback regarding your restaurant experience at McDonald's. We value your comments and will be responding to you soon. Thanks again for contacting us."
How do they know they value my comments if they haven't even read them yet?
Hey Ben, if you liked this one, you should see the letter she wrote to the Litter Maid company!
OMFSM, I am be so slow with the reading and the commenting.
I hates it when they are teh effup with my drivethru!
Just be careful with the bitching: it can have unintended consequences, such as you sitting on some pointless committee or other.
The only consequences so far are coupons for a free salad and a free kid's meal, and two more toy vehicles to add to the mess in Matthew's room.
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