Saturday, February 11, 2012

I used to love the Rubber Ducky song.

Awful morning yesterday. It was my son's golden birthday, and he had decided it had to be The Best Birthday Ever. No pressure. We were leaving for school, and Matthew wanted invitations to invite classmates over for his family party this weekend. I thought he understood and agreed we were doing things differently this year. He wanted to bring cupcakes to school instead of the cookies I had bought. He doesn't even like cake. His boots were nowhere to be seen and the temperature was going to be around 1 degree F. at recess time. My watch was slow again so we were late to school. A woman stopped in the school parking lot, then started backing up. I leaned on the horn but she couldn't hear me because her kids were singing Rubber Ducky, and she couldn't see me either, because she was driving a £¥<#\^& Town and Country van. There's your safety. Matthew started crying. My bumper is cracked. We went into the school office to exchange insurance and contact information, and I started crying. At that point, I really needed a do-over.
The rest of the day wasn't so bad. At the Red Lobster before heading over to see The Phantom Menace in 3D, my husband decided Matthew would have to settle for The Most Memorable Birthday Ever. So far.

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